Sorry for being MIA this last week or so. I swear I’ve been sewing a bunch but taking time to take pics is hard. But…
I just got back from visiting family. My boyfriend’s sister just moved into a new house. Their neighbor has this cool weeping willow tree that…
So, uh, yeah, when I saw the new Colette offerings I just about screamed. I don’t always love the Colette designs. Some don’t appeal to…
I don’t often buy books because it just creates more clutter in my house. However, I do abuse my library priviledges when it comes…
I swear that no less than 4 authors of blogs on my blog reader have announced pregnancies in the last couple weeks. I imagine an…
The Goal: Have you ever been in the mood to sew something really quick? Just a need for instant gratification in sewing? I had recently…
I woke up at 6:30 am today to drive to a friend’s house. From there several friends and I left to drive three and a…
I told ya I’d be back with more! I wasn’t kidding. I’ve been busy with sewing during my unintended internet sabbatical. The Goal: After doing…
Yes, I have returned! With a new computer! That I got, like, today. First of all, I was thisclose to finishing my new pattern when…
Thanks everyone for following along on this swimwear journey. I’m finally rewarding you with the finished product! To recap, in case you haven’t been following…