About Dixie
Hi, I’m Dixie and I make things.
I live in Fort Worth, TX, formerly Austin. This blog chronicles my creative experiences – mostly sewing and costuming but occasionally other crafts.
I started this blog in 2008. In the beginning, Dixie DIY was more of a personal space and since then the content has been refined and it’s now less like a journal.

I’ve been sewing since I was 10, bought my own sewing machine when I was 15, learned how to use a serger, and started drafting my own patterns in college. I’ve sewn most of my own wardrobe for over 10 years and more recently I’ve expanded into costuming.
These days I work with a great group of ladies designing sewing patterns for Blank Slate Patterns.

I’ve also started a YouTube channel to document my historical costuming adventures.
Follow me on instagram for in-progress pictures and more!
Thanks for stopping by!